TEHRAN, May 25 (MNA) – Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned a recent anti-Iranian report issued by the US State Department, saying that the report is continuation of psychological war against Iran.

Given its dark history, the United States is by no means politically, legally, and morally qualified to judge other countries, said the ministry’s spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi on Monday.

The remarks came in response to a recent report by the US Department of State that accuses Iran of implementing terrorist measures after the Islamic Revolution without providing any evidence.

Mousavi said that the ‘baseless’ report is the result of the US’ illusion and is a continuation of ‘psychological war’ against the country.

The spokesman added that the report is full of ‘illusionary accusations’ that have never been proved. These allegations are being leveled by those who have, in the past century, interfered in internal affairs of 55 independent countries and committed illegal measures against people of the world, he said.

He went on to give examples of US crimes including imposing economic terrorism against 33 countries since 2017, supporting terrorist groups such as MKO and ISIL, backing drug cartels, supporting dictator and fascist regimes, and staging 79 coups across the world, among others.

Here is the statement as published by Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website:

“The so-called report, as a matter of course, is an amalgam of fantasy and bogus accusations as no document has been ever provided to prove them, and is being levelled by the ones who have interfered in at least 55 independent countries in the world under spurious pretexts over the past recent century. There is a long list of their (American) illegal measures against people of the world, while the analysts and researchers have revealed only a bit of them by publishing hundreds of books in this regard,” Mousavi said.

“Only in the section of sanctions and economic terrorism and according to the statistics from the US Department of the Treasury, 33 countries have been sanctioned only since 2017 until now. Many of these unilateral and extraterritorial sanctions have had heavy and destructive impacts on the people of those countries,” the spokesman noted.

Throughout its short history of existence, the United States’ militarism has been much harsher than many other bloodthirsty and aggressive empires in the history, Mousavi said, adding, “Such militarism has been so unprecedented that this country (the US) has had 135 big wars in its history, and during 243 years of its existence, only 16 years have been free of wars, massacre, bloodshed, and employment of every conventional and unconventional weapon.”

He further pointed to the US government’s direct and indirect interference in the coups, regime changes and colour revolutions after end of the Second World War, adding, “The US has directly mounted 79 coups and regime change plots in the world countries through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a number of which have failed. Moreover, the US has provided direct and indirect support for anti-government chaos and anarchy in various countries, some of which have helped puppet individuals and governments rise to power.”

The Iranian spokesperson also cited the US’ support for the fascist and drug-trafficking regimes over the past decades, saying more than 35 regimes based upon fascism and drug trafficking have received American support.

“The scandal of US spying on the world leaders, mainly the US allies, is another part of the dark and terrible record of this rebel government,” Mousavi deplored.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman further slammed the US government as a sponsor of terrorism, and above all, a terrorist state, which, according to the information available, has sponsored at least eight notorious terrorist groups with dreadful and bloody records in the West Asia, Europe and Latin America since 1960s.

Mousavi then pointed to the US’ all-out support for the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), which has assassinated 17,000 Iranian citizens and officials over the past four decades. He also cited the creation of and support for the savage and bloodthirsty ISIS terrorist group as another example of the historic American crimes in recent years.

The spokesperson further pointed to the civilian casualties in the American military drone operations in at least five countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen, saying a large number of civilian targets and individuals have been intentionally attacked in those operations that have been launched in the name of war against terrorism.

“The list of American terrorist and anti-human crimes is very long and appalling; but the US statesmen had better recall which laws have been formally ratified by the Congress even inside the US to whitewash the catastrophes in the eyes of public opinion in the wake of terrorist activities, targeted killings, political assassinations, and extrajudicial executions. They just need to search for those phrases to find out what country employs the ‘most creative techniques for killing innocent people’,” he added.

“Regarding what has been mentioned above, the US has by no means the political, legal and moral competence to make a judgment about the other countries, and has a better deal with its own nasty and dark record first, specifically considering that the US Department of State’s management at present is proudly citing lies as a factor in its progress,” Mousavi concluded.

MAH/ 4933865/MFA