The festival’s director Mojtaba Izadi said Tuesday that the biennial event, which had been scheduled for April, will be held later in summer due to the outbreak of the coronavirus.
According to him, the festival this year received 285 works in the national section, 345 works in the special section, and 1215 works in the people’s section in various formats including reports, documentaries, short presentations, podcasts, announcements, etc.
In the international section, in cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) and Islamic Radio and Television Union, the festival received 74 works from 15 countries including Spain, Serbia, India, Kenya, Iraq, Ireland, Poland, Cuba, Bangladesh and Malaysia.
Izadi noted that the judging process for the international and people’s categories is in its final stages.
The International Radio Festival of Iran is the biggest event in the radio calendar in the Middle East and North Africa, receiving entries from radio stations and independent producers every two years from all around the globe.
The festival provides participants with a great opportunity to express their creativity and imagination, interact with others from the radio world, and of course compete for the coveted trophy of the gala, according to the event’s organizers.
The event is aimed at taking a step toward enhancing the quality (technical and artistic) of radio production by sharing experiences and perspectives, motivating and discovering talent, and demonstrating creativity and honoring radio human resources.