TEHRAN, Mar. 05 (MNA) –Joe Biden's victory on Super Tuesday and the drop-out of Michael Bloomberg made the Democratic camp more complicated than before.

The results of the Democratic Party's primary election in 14 states indicate Joe Biden’s victory over his main rival Bernie Sanders.

Meanwhile, former Vice President Joe Biden won in 8 states thanks to the drop-out of two Democratic rivals, thus, surpassed Bernie Sanders, a socialist competitor who won in 4 states.

But what matters is the number of electors who attend the party’s National Convention and determine the final Democratic nominee to compete with the current US President Donald Trump. The democratic final candidate needs the support of 1999 electors.  

The beginning of Biden's In-Party power

Joe Biden initially won the Democratic in-party election in South Carolina. This victory was achieved thanks to the moderate and black voters. Then, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar pulled out of the race, making it easy for Biden and hard on Sanders.

It was predictable, of course, but its timing was prominent because it occurred prior to the Super Tuesday.

Elizabeth Warren did not step down, therefore, the votes split between her and Sanders which were almost identical. This led to Biden's victory in a key state like Massachusetts that was unpredictable and made him the winner of the Super Tuesday. However, his victory is not absolute. If Warren does not pull out soon in favor of Sanders, her move should be considered in support of Biden.

Trump criticized Warren in a tweet, saying, “So selfish for Elizabeth Warren to stay in the race, she has Zero chance of even coming close to winning but hurts Bernie badly. So much for their wonderful liberal friendship. Will he ever speak to her again? She cost him Massachusetts (and came in third), he shouldn’t!”

Due to Warren’s move, Sanders may not be the Democratic final candidate. President Trump used this incident as an excuse to promote disagreement between Democrats. He described the withdrawal of Democratic candidates in favor of Biden as a coup against Sanders.

Trump also reacted to the Super Tuesday results and noted, “The Democrat establishment came together and crushed Bernie Sanders, AGAIN! Even the fact that Elizabeth Warren stayed in the race was devastating to Bernie and allowed Sleepy Joe to unthinkably win Massachusetts. It was a perfect storm, with many good states remaining for Joe!”

But why is the Democratic Party against the nomination of Bernie Sanders?

One reason is the US capitalist structure which is dominated by lobbies. Not only have no well-known lobbies favored Sanders but also they are striving to defeat him. For example, in addition to the powerful Zionist lobby of AIPAC, one of its affiliates called the Democratic Majority for Israel has so far spent more than 1.4 million dollars against Sanders, of which 800 million dollars were spent on harmful propaganda in Iowa, and 600 million dollars in Nevada. While the traditional section of the Democratic Party is against Sanders due to his socialist beliefs, he is trying to use his religion as a tool to attract the votes of American Jews, even though he is a fierce critic of Tel Aviv's policies toward the Palestinians.

But the fact that Sanders is Jew cannot be enough to win the votes of Jewish people because the powerful Zionist lobby is the determining factor here. Sanders has repeatedly criticized Netanyahu and called him racist and emphasized that he would return the US embassy to Tel Aviv.

The lobby of Saudi Arabia and UAE are also against Sanders due to his comments about Saudi Arabia and his approach to Iran which is different from the strategy of Trump and other Democratic candidates.

Another reason for the opposition against Sanders is the structure of the Democratic Party which is dominated by lobbies. In the 2016 election, the same structure which is in control of Clintons removed Sanders.

The next reason is the lack of support from American billionaires. Sanders receives most of his votes from ordinary people and not powerful lobbies and billionaires. An analysis conducted by students of Harvard University indicated that the main supporters of Sanders are young people, the black community and the working class.

The victory of Sanders in the upcoming presidential election is intertwined with the United States Electoral College. Even if Sanders won the votes of people, it is unlikely to win the electoral votes in a competition against Trump.
