TEHRAN, Jan. 05 (MNA) – Former US under secretary of state for political affairs Wendy R. Sherman in a tweet on Sunday called Iraqi Parliament's decision for ousting US from Iraq 'major win for Iran'.

"The Iraqi parliament vote to expel US troops is a major win for Iran. Just one piece of fallout against our interests by Trump decisions," she wrote.

 In an extraordinary session on Sunday, the Iraqi parliament voted for a resolution requiring the government to order the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

The session came two days after a US drone strike on a convoy at Baghdad airport which assassinated Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) deputy chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

“There is no need for the presence of American forces after defeating Daesh,” said Ammar al-Shibli, a lawmaker and member of the parliamentary legal committee.

“We have our own armed forces which are capable of protecting the country,” he said, Reuters reported.