TEHRAN, Dec. 19 (MNA) – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Department of Water and Soil of Iran’s Ministry of Agriculture Jahad (MAJ) allied on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 and signed a project agreement to cooperate on the improvement of food and nutrition security of flood-affected agricultural communities in the Country.

FAO will allocate USD 396,000 over the next two years to mobilise global expertise in supporting national efforts to increase the resilience of the local communities against climate change and natural hazards to ensure a sustainable climate-smart water and soil management.

This project, as part of the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme’s scheme, “will enhance resilience of the agriculture system and communities against climatic disasters through improved knowledge and capacities for soil and water management,” said Gerold Bödeker, FAO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran at the signing ceremony.

Mentioning the three provinces most affected by the 2019 spring flood, the FAO Representative highlighted that “six trainings will be organised to equip provincial and local authorities in provinces of Lorestan, Khuzestan and Golestan with soil and water management knowledge and skills.”

The 2019 Spring Floods in the Islamic Republic of Iran caused extensive damages and losses to the agriculture sector of the Country including to land, soil and water resources. 

The project aims at enhancing the capacity of local and national institutions to adequately manage soil and water resources as part of disaster risk management and recovery processes. It also focuses on strengthening stakeholders’ capacities in the provinces mentioned above on climate-resilient irrigation design, flood risk management systems and approaches, and climate-resilient soil protection and management.

FAO is working to provide a comprehensive programme of support for member countries to enhance climate action for agriculture. FAO’s growing portfolio of climate change activities strengthens member-country capacities to plan, implement and report on climate change adaptation and mitigation, and build resilience of the agriculture sector.