TEHRAN, Oct. 14 (MNA) – Deputy Head of Islamic Development Organization (IDO) Mohammad Mehdi Dadman said that subject of Arbaeen is a special cultural capacity for the country, so that proper planning should be made for using it optimally.

He made the remarks on Monday in a meeting with personnel of Sistan and Baluchestan Islamic Development Organization and said, “nowadays, Sistan and Baluchestan province is the eastern gate for Arbaeen pilgrims.”

According to the latest statistics, more than 68,00 Pakistani pilgrims have reached themselves to Karbala through Sistan and Baluchestan province since Oct. 2, expandable to 80,000 pilgrims by the end of Arbaeen ceremonies, he added.

Dadman further noted that Islamic Development Organization has rendered quality services to Pakistani pilgrims during Arbaeen ceremonies.

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