TEHRAN, Sep. 17 (MNA) – There is a sculpture gallery underway at the Iranian Artists Forum in downtown Tehran. The gallery is displaying a collection of 14 bronze sculptures and 35 paintings by Hossein Esmati and Mina Sadri.
Sculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumvSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists ForumSculpture gallery at Iranian Artists Forum