TEHRAN, Jul. 15 (MNA) – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is calling for an interview with Iranian media outlets while he had earlier rejected the request for an interview with Mehr News Agency (MNA).

Pompeo has called for an interview with Iranian media and put it forward as a tool for waging psychological war while he has not responded positively to a request for an interview by Tehran-based Mehr News Agency (MNA).

Pompeo correlates the request for an interview with Iranian media and his willingness to appear in Iranian media with the presence of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in the United States and interview with US media outlets.

Mike Pompeo claims that, as Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif can do interviews with US media outlets and has this right in a democratic country, he should also be able to appear in Iranian media and of course, Iran does not allow it!

But this a sheer lie, because, MNA correspondent has repeatedly requested for an interview with him [Pompeo] and has sent letter to the US Department of State but unfortunately, MNA reporter has heard a rejection answer. [date of letter received by the US Department of State on Feb. 16, 2018]


Pompeo raises this lie while he intends to say that media in Iran do not have the freedom.

Meanwhile, the request of MNA correspondent for an interview with the US President Donald Trump has even been rejected for several times and only “request received” has been confirmed. (date of letter received by the White House on Feb. 1, 2019).

To inform Mike Pompeo US Secretary of State of the details, it should be noted that MNA has conducted separate interviews for three times with the Republican Nominee for US Presidential Elections Senator Johan McCain and Chairman of the Armed Forces of US Senate.

Therefore, the claim that Iranian media outlets do not have freedom is a sheer lie.
