TEHRAN, Aug. 08 (MNA) – Iran’s Minister of Labor, Cooperatives and Social Welfare Ali Rabiei failed to secure vote of confidence in Parliament on Wednesday.

The Parliament held a hearing session on Wednesday to discuss Ali Rabiei's alleged mismanagement.

The labor minister survived his previous impeachment attempt back in March held after facing charges of mismanaging unemployment and other government enterprises.

At the start of today's open session, none of the lawmakers who had requested the impeachment of the minister appeared to defend their request, therefore the Parliament’s Presiding Board had to call for a break.

A number of MPs had already urged the Parliament to postpone the impeachment session. 

According to reports, the conservative faction in the Parliament which is comprised of conservative lawmakers have voted yes for the impeachment, while the reformist faction reportedly voted no.

He failed to secure vote of confidence by 129 votes in favor, 111 against and 3 abstentions out of a total of 243 MPs present in the session.
