Publish Date: 31 July 2018 - 16:05

TEHRAN, Jul. 31 (MNA) – Commander-in-Chief of Iran’s Army Maj. Gen. Mousavi said that the enemy is ignorant of Iranian army’s and people’s preparedness and unity, otherwise it would not threat the Iranian nation.

He made the Sunday remarks among commanders and students of Iranian Army’s academies.

Having the invaluable experience of the 8 years of the Holy Defense and also that of proxy wars, the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran is readier than ever to give a strong response to any threat, he added.

Instead of organizing conspiracies against the Islamic Republic of Iran, it would be better for US think tanks to review the unforgettable lessons of their successive failures against the Islamic Revolution, Mousavi said, highlighting that followers of Karbala school will never surrender.

Elsewhere he touched upon the complicated psychological operations of enemies, adding that army officers’ training should become deeper and more precise in this regard.
