Directed by Elham Toroghi, the short animated piece ran semifinalist at the 2nd edition of Indie Best Films Festival (Ibestff) in California, US.
The 9-minute animation which features no dialogue, is the story of a white cat who lives in a city of black dwellers. The cat makes many attempts to get food but none of the residents pay any attention to him. The cat is also bullied by other cats who are also black like the residents. Until one day the cat meets a small white bird and decides to live with the bird.
‘Nobody’ has been previously announced to vie at the 2019 Student Academy Awards competition, the winners of which will be eligible for Oscars consideration.
The animated piece had received a Golden Butterfly nomination for Best Short and Semi-Feature Animated Film Screenplay at the International Film Festival for Children and Youth Awards in Iran.
According to the festival’s website, the Indie Best Films Festival (Ibestff) aims to “help talented film artists, who create meaningful films that are worth seeing and sharing, but lack the backing of studios, expensive marketing campaigns or famous personalities.”