TEHRAN, Nov. 13 (MNA) – Iranian Leader Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his sense of gratitude to Iraqi people and government who warmly welcomed around two million Iranian pilgrims during the time of Arbaeen march.

“The great phenomenon of Arbaeen demonstrates how the spirit of Jihad and martyrdom for God is being spread,” said Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Monday.

The Iranian leader voiced a message of appreciation to the people and government of Iraq who warmly welcomed and served around two million Iranian pilgrims who visited Iraq in last week for participating at the holy ritual of Arbaeen march. He made the remarks at a meeting with some organizers of the big event from Iranian provinces of Eastern Azerbaijan and Qom.

“The congregation of this massive crowd from all over the world, despite all terrorist threats, is a big phenomenon demonstrating the apex of resistance-for -God thought,” reiterated the top official.

“I heartedly thank and pray for Iraqi government which provided the necessities of holding the ceremony, the dear Iraqi nation who sincerely served the pilgrims of Imam Hussein, the Iraqi youth at PMU (popular mobilization units) who cemented security measures for the successful running of the event, and the custodians of the holy shrines,” said Ayatollah Khamenei.

The Iranian Leader described the Arbaeen march as an unprecedented and indescribable event.
