TEHRAN, Nov. 05 (MNA) – Iran’s embassy in Beirut issued a statement on Sunday denying the revealed contents of Velayati, Hariri's talks claimed by an informed source.

Following the reports of an informed source revealing that Iranian Leader's top aide for international affairs Ali Akbar Velayati's rejection of the Saudi-dictated demands by Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri was the reason behind the latter's resignation, Iran’s embassy in Beirut issued a statement on Sunday denying the claims.

“Since the Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Mohammad Fathali was present at the meeting of Dr. Velayati with the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the revealed contents of bilateral talks from a source close to Leader’s aid is completely wrong,” the statement reads.

The informed source has claimed that Hariri raised the Saudis' demands before Velayati in the meeting, calling on Iran to stop supporting the oppressed Yemeni people and improve ties with the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC).

In response, the source said, Velayati called on the Saudis to stop bombing the innocent Yemeni people and remove the siege on them to pave the way for political talks.

"The improper demand of Hariri and the Saudis was that the Islamic Republic of Iran leaves the righteous side in the Yemen case but when they became disappointed, they immediately recalled Saad Hariri to Riyadh so that he will declare his resignation outside Lebanon," the source said.

Al-Hariri resigned during a trip to Saudi Arabia in a surprise move that plunged the country into uncertainty amid heightened regional tensions. His resignation on Saturday was expected to sharply raise tensions in the country.
