‘Lunch Time’, directed by Alireza Ghasemi, narrates the story of a 16-year-old girl who has come to the hospital to identify the body of her mother. The people in charge at the hospital - due to her young age - won't let her into the morgue.
Earlier, ‘Lunch Time’ had become the official selection of Cannes Court Metrage (Cannes Short Film Corner). Participating in more than eight festivals verified by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, ‘Lunch Time’ has captured the attention of critics.
The Jozi Film Festival began in 2012 and was initially created to provide a platform for local filmmakers, to reach audiences under serviced by traditional cinemas and to develop an audience for South African films. The Johannesburg-based festival began accepting entries from around the world in 2014 and is now firmly established as one of the sub-continent's leading film festivals.