Dermal papilla are small ridges at the surface of the skin, and in the scalp, they provide oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicle so that healthy new hairs may grow. Epithelial stem cells (EpSCs) in the hair follicle bulge are required for hair follicle growth and cycling. Any damage to these cells is the main cause of hair loss.
Iranian researchers at Royan Institute – Iran’s leading center for Stem Cell research – conducted a study in which they cultivated dermal papilla and epithelial stem cells extracted from human scalp in laboratorial conditions. 15 laboratory rats were then divided into three groups: one group received dermal papilla, the second group simultaneously received dermal papilla and epithelial stem cells, and the third group (control group) did not receive any cells.
Results published in Cell Journal showed that hair growth occurred in both groups receiving cells, but in the group receiving both kinds of cells the hair growth was more tangible and visible to unaided eye.
It was also revealed that transplantation of stem cells effective on hair growth can cause hair growth in hairless rats. There is hope that with further research and better understanding of hair growth mechanism in humans, researchers may find effective ways to treat hair loss.