Publish Date: 28 December 2016 - 21:04

TEHRAN, Dec. 28 (MNA) – On Friday 7th of April 2017 Iran Silk Road organizes the 1st Tehran International Marathon and second edition of I run Iran.

This marathon starts at Azadi square in Tehran with a finish point at Azadi stadium. Runners from all over the world are invited to participate in this unique event in Tehran, capital of Iran.

The organizer Iran Silk Road is determined to clear the path towards International Friendship. Participants from all over the world will achieve this goal by running together and celebrating with thousands of Iranians along the road. During the "I run Iran" event participants get acquainted with Persian food and culture. This official Tehran marathon is endorsed by local authorities, the Sport ministry and Iran Tourism Organization.

This 1st Tehran International Marathon 2017 is the second “I run Iran” event after the first International Marathon of Iran at Persepolis in April 2016. With participants from more than 30 different countries.

The event intends to emphasize the importance of Clean Air. During the last decade, Tehran has been facing a severe air pollution and the event will create awareness among decision makers and the public to protect the environment in which we live and breathe. At least for one day many streets of Tehran will be free of cars which will be the first step towards clear sky.

The second goal of this marathon is to inspire young generation of Iranians to run for fun. By watching runners pass by it is very likely that many will follow their footsteps. It only takes the motivation and a pair of running shoes.

Discover the real Iran

This international sport event offers a unique chance to discover the real Iran. During the event participants have a city excursion in Tehran, will taste Persian food and experience traditional Iranian culture.

After the marathon participants have the opportunity to make a city trip to ancient Kashan, beautiful Esfahan and poetic Shiraz.

Limited edition

For the first time in history Tehran clears its streets for runners. Iran Silk Road expects participants from fifty different countries. The number of male and female runners for Tehran International Marathon and half marathon is limited to 1000. So be fast to register!

Info and registration: