Head of Iran's Trade Organization of Computer, Nasser Ali Sa’adat, in a press conference for 22nd ELECOMP on Sunday said the participating companies at the exhibition include some 300 Iranian firms and around 250 start-up companies.
He added that over 40 foreign companies are also taking part in the major event, saying they are mostly from China, South Korea and Taiwan.
“We had also held talks with six American companies to have them at this year’s exhibition but after the US presidential elections, they said it is no longer possible for them to attend ELECOMP,” he said.
According to him, the Government will have a strong presence at an EGovernment hall dedicated to it to promote the presence of Iran’s electronic and computer business in international scenes and markets.
ELECOMP is the greatest commercial event in Iran’s market of electronics and computer products and services. Since its first edition in 1995, an increasing number of electronic companies in Iran introduce their latest achievements in software and hardware in ELECOMP every year.
The upcoming edition of ELECOMP is scheduled to be held on 15-18 December, 2016, at Tehran International Permanent Fairground.