GENEVA, Oct. 04 (MNA) –The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent will continue work in Syria despite the end of cooperation between Russia and the United States, ICRC spokeswoman Ingy Sedky said Tuesday.

On Monday, the US State Department announced it was suspending bilateral channels with Russia that were established to sustain a cessation of hostilities agreement in Syria. State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said in a press briefing that Secretary John Kerry had informed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of the suspension.

Sedky told RIA Novosti in an interview the ICRC would continue tending to the Syrian population's needs together with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent regardless whether a cessation of hostilities was in effect or not. She pointed out the need to distinguish between humanitarian aid and the political process in the war-torn Arab republic.