Publish Date: 20 September 2016 - 16:55

TEHRAN, Sep. 20 (MNA) – Iranian Deputy FM Jaberi Ansari told the local media that effective measures against terrorism is achieved when the sovereignty of other countries and international laws are respectfully observed.

“We believe that serious and effective countermeasures against terrorism should be within the international regulations with commitment to the sovereignty and independence of other countries,” said Hossein Jaberi Ansari, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs, on Tuesday.

The Iranian diplomat stressed that any measure or operation should be coordinated with and authorized by the central government whose land is used as the battlefield of war on terror.

“War on terror breaching this framework may have short term benefits but surely would have converse or negative effects in the medium term or in the long run,” asserted Mr Jaberi Ansari, “unauthorized entering to the land of another country for fighting terrorism will worsen the problems and empowers terrorism and extremism.”

Jaberi Ansari who is visiting Syria, met with Syrian president, prime minister, foreign minister and deputy foreign minister on Monday and conferred on Syrian crisis, regional issues and bilateral cooperation.
