Publish Date: 28 August 2016 - 15:26

TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) – The first phase of Iran’s National Information Network (National Internet) was launched Sun., after a gap of 11 years, during a ceremony attended by First VP Es’haq Jahangiri.

The National Information Network with a bandwidth currently standing at 4,000 gigabytes per second, will allow access to e-government services, digital services inside the country, affordable access to high-speed communications, as well as access to domestic content and services across the country.

The National Internet has also promised infrastructures’ security, network independence, increasing the share of internal traffic for consumers, and creating an economy for local content.

The project consists of three phases. The second phase which will come on stream by February 2017, will include domestic video services with affordable prices for end users, business development based on IT, and formation of an economy of datacenters, as well as increase of the quality of infrastructure services for businesses.

The third phase of the project which will become operational during the first half of next Iranian calendar year (to start March 2017), will allow affordable and high-quality access to internal broadband content and services, increase infrastructure capacities and necessary facilities for domestic companies active in regional and international markets, and finally, the full realization of the country’s’ independent communication infrastructure, respecting users’ privacy, growth of IT businesses and e-government services.

Authorities say that the National Internet would facilitate users’ access to information on the Internet with higher speed, better quality and less costs. There would be no limitation placed on the speed of receiving data and no cut in Internet access. 
