Brig. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi addressed Conference on West Asian Geopolitics on Thursday where he believed geopolitical developments in the region had sought to contain Iran’s influence in the region.
Vahidi provided a definition of the ‘geopolitics of the Middle East’ as defined by the Vision Plan; “it functions as a ground where the Islamic Republic of Iran should define itself; however, the definition, far from clear, would not suffice to depict the multifaceted issue here, and any definition would suffer pitfalls in second consideration,” he told the conference.
“The region hosts about 680 million people. As a strategic boiling pot, the region (western Asia) has home to most violent crises and tumultuous situation; currently, we could trace three international, regional, and national developments underway,” said IRGC general. “In international level, new powers emerge and older power dwindle in terms of influence; in regional level, we see more adventurist players (Saudi Arabia) seeking the leadership of the world of Islam after collapse of Arab leaders of some consequence in Algeria, Libya, and Iraq,” he explained. “A centerpiece of all these developments is to contain Iran’s ever-growing influence in the region, and to realize this objectives, they would open new dossiers, including recently opened case in US court which implicated Iran in blast of an American military base in Beirut in 1983; Shia-Sunni sectarian war is another case well-invested indeed; however, Iran advocated unity of Islamic sects and avoided to fall in the trap,” Vahidi told the meeting.