TEHRAN, Apr. 13 (MNA) – Deputy Minister of Industry said Iran and Kazakhstan have conferred on easing economic cooperation and boosting trade volume up to $1bn.

Valiollah Afkhamirad said six large Iranian industrial holdings held direct talks with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and the country’s economic ministers on Tuesday, and conferred with them on their issues and concerens for participating in Kazakhstan’s market.

“After Iran’s capacities were discussed, President Nazarbayev said there are ample opportunities for cooperation between the two countries and invited Iranian companies to start cultivation in extra-territorial operations in Kazakhstan for offshore food production, iron ore and chromite mines, as well as mineral processing,” Afkhamirad said.

He went on to add that Iranian companies could also participate in Kazakhstan’s infrastructure projects and present their technical and engineering services.

The problems regarding visa issuance were also raised during the meeting and the Kazakh president vowed to settle the issues in the near future for further expanding relations between the two countries.

Afkhamirad further noted that this was the first time a country’s highest ranking official sat before Iranian large companies and economic figures, listened to their concerns and suggestions, and called on his colleagues to have closer cooperation with the Iranian side.  

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev arrived in Tehran on Monday to discuss ways to improve mutual relations and the latest regional and international developments. During his stay, the two sides signed nine MoUs on extradition, plant quarantine and protection, technological cooperation, transportation and transit in the Silk Road, and investment. 

