Publish Date: 2 January 2016 - 15:26

TEHRAN, Jan. 02 (MNA) –Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Jaber Ansari lashed out at Saudi’s execution of unarmed dissidents on Saturday.

Consequences will trouble the undertakers of this line of irresponsible and barren policies in Saudi Arabia, and Saudis will surely pay a heavy cost for such measures, assured Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari on Saturday in Tehran.

The diplomat made the remarks after the state-run Saudi Press Agency (SPA) cited the kingdom’s Interior Ministry reporting the execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr along with 47 others on Saturday.

The Iranian diplomat lamented that while Takfiri and extremist terrorists have disrupted peace in the region and the whole world, executing an unarmed dissident who just criticized the Saudi regime for religious and political issues depicts a total lack of wisdom and shrewdness among Saudies.

Jaber Ansari categorically condemned the move and drew attentions to the fact that Saudis, who support and feed terrorists and extremists Takfiries in other countries, are very authoritarian and repressive in dealing with their home dissidents.

