TEHRAN, Dec. 21 (MNA) – Iran’s SNSC secretary has said US Congress recent bill could negatively affect the implementation of mutual commitments provisioned by JCPOA.

Ali Shamkhani, who also represents the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the Supreme National Security Council, met with President of French Senate Mr. Gerard Larcher, who is visiting Tehran.

Shamkhani believed that JCPOA opened a new chapter in Iran’s relations with all countries, especially France; “taking joint steps to reconstruct relations and restore mutual trust could be a new feature of bilateral relations and a new ground for mutual respect; the environment which rules the international community after JCPOA has brought about negotiation and ruled out conflict and rivalry; however, some actions especially the recent bill in US Congress definitely will ditch misunderstanding and mistrust and would negatively affect both side’s commitments in the JCPOA,” Shamkhani told French official.

He voiced sympathy with French victims of Paris terrorist attacks in mid-November, believing that fighting terrorism which now knolling the bell for the European countries as well, requires real participation and international mobilization of forces. Shamkhani criticized using violence as an instrument against sovereign nations as the major contributor to terrorist groups and which perpetuated their crimes; “addressing the roots of terrorism is a real remedy for this evil creature,” Mr. Shamkhani added.

Turning to Syrian crisis, SNSC secretary believed that a priority should be set on fighting terrorism and bringing stability to secure democratic political processes in Syria; “global support to Syrian legitimate government in restoring security is a preliminary action to secure a political development according to public will in the country; we welcome working with France and other EU countries as well in exchanging of information on terrorism,” he was reiterating Iran’s official line of policy.

Mr. Shamkhani turned then to Yemen and Palestine where he said, ‘unrestrained violence’ against Palestinian defenseless people and Yemenis by Saudi Arabia and Zionist regime only had seen silence by the international community; “such indifference to atrocious crimes are unjustified by any human and ethical values,” he added.

“Intelligent appreciation of the situation in bilateral ties would redeem economic ties and create new opportunities for defining joint needs based on interests,” was Shamkhani’s take in economy.

Larcher, for his part, expressed gratitude for Iran’s government and people’s message of condolence for Paris terrorist attacks; “I clearly state that Islamic Republic of Iran is a stable country and a regional hub for exchange of any sort; the country’s valuable experiences in fighting terrorism would be a pillar of intelligence and political cooperation,” Larcher emphasized. “We hope to see President Rouhani’s visit to Paris will be a turning point contributing to better ties between two countries,” he concluded.

