Publish Date: 27 November 2015 - 18:37

TEHRAN, Nov. 27 (MNA) – The interim leader of this week’s ritual of Tehran Friday Prayers advised people to be careful in voting for candidates.

Basij is one of the merits of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 to spread the etiquette of the revolution in society, noted Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani, the interim leader of this week’s ritual of Tehran Friday Prayers, in Grand Musalla of Tehran.

Touching upon the recently held summit of Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) in Tehran, the cleric highlighted that the attending presidents and officials of member countries were mesmerized how different the Leader of Iran was.

In other countries, politicians and rulers of the states do anything, even shed bloods, to secure their status like what Saudi monarchy is doing to Yemenis, lest they destabilize their regime, while in Iran a modest Leader is loved by the masses and the oppressed communities, underlined  the Grand Ayatollah.

The cleric referred to one of frequently-voiced concerns of Iran’s Leader about the infiltration of enemies and added that some Westerners are hopeful to take advantage of the nuclear agreement to find their way to Iran in order to practice political and social changes.

Authorities and officials should be watchful as good relations with west open the door for cultural, political, and economic infiltration, asserted the top cleric.

About the upcoming elections of Iran’s Parliament, and Assembly of Experts which are slated to be held simultaneously on the same day, Ayatollah Kermani asked the worshippers to study the history of candidates and vote for the best possible choice.     

