TEHRAN, Aug. 03 (MNA) – Iran’s deputy-foreign minister has told Al-Alam TV network no contact has been made with the US-led coalition to fight with ISIL.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian gave an interview to Al-Alam TV network where he touched upon almost all regional issues and Islamic Republic of Iran’s position; Abdollahian told Arabic-language TV network that cooperation with the neighbors constituted Iran’s core of the foreign policy; “having solved the nuclear issue with the west, now it is turn of regional issues to be addressed more than ever and the government has plans and measures including summarily improving ties with the neighbors and the region at large which would cover wide spectrum of issues from environmental to highest political and security issues,” he told Al-Alam.

He ensured the TV network that Islamic Republic of Iran solely engaged in nuclear issue with the west, and that the negotiators had not had a mandate to discuss issues and crises in the region, since “we firmly believe that regional issues are related to those countries involved.”

On Iran-Saudi Arabia relations, Amir-Abdollahian reiterated Iran’s official line of policy in condemning Saudi strike against Yemen as ‘strategic error of judgement;’ however, he believed that Tehran-Riyadh ties should turn to normal; “Iran and Saudi Arabia have the capability to cooperate to solve their issues and thus help solve issues of the region as well; for example, Mr. Zarif sent a message of congratulations to newly appointed Saudi foreign minister, while condemning Saudi-led strikes against Yemen,” he added.

“In the sidelines of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), I told Mr. Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir, Saudi foreign minister, our clear positions about the regional issues with the same outspoken frankness; we belive that Iran and Suadi Arabia should engage in a constructive dialogue, to act according to their role in fighting terrorism and extremism and to render a more secure and stable Middle East; Mr. Jubeir’s remarks were positive and we look forward to seeing that these words are translated into concrete action; we hope that Suadi Arabia wisely avoids resorting to coercion to embrace a more peaceful approach in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and other regions of their scope of influence,” he proposed.

On Syria, Amir-Abdollahian spoke of a fundamental change of approach toward the country he perceived of in meeting with his Russian and Syrian foreign ministers in their visit to Tehran; “in the past, many players had been viewing foreign intervention as a solution to Syrian crisis; now however, they believe that political solution would serve the crisis most,” he said.

On recent Turkey and PKK change of priorities and Turkey’s change of approach toward ISIS which led to opening by the country of its air base to US-led coalition against ISIL, Amir-Abdollahian told Al-Alam that Iran and Turkey had developed a diagonally opposed positions toward Syrian crisis and the future of Syria; “Iran would not support acts of sabotage which would threaten the sovereignty of Turkey’s neighbors in the region; we believe that in fighting ISIL, necessary coordination should be sought from these countries, and would not undermine the territorial integrity of these countries,” he asserted.

Amir-Abdollahian said that nuclear deal had rung the bells for Zionist regime, making the regime’s officials on high alert, despite the frequent remarks that the deal would bolster their security, “the reality on the place is that the Zionist regime is now in its nadir of political life-cycle,” he added.

On Lebanon, deputy-FM told Al-Alam that the political future of the country was important for Iran; “ we support completion of political process to elect president in Lebanon, as  other EU countries followed the same policy in the country; we announced the officials of Lebanon our position as well,” he said.

On Iran-Egypt relations, Amir-Abdollahian described the ties as ‘not making much progress nor having a retrogressive pattern;’ “Egyptians are to decide on improving ties with Iran; this issue remains their responsibility; in political level, some sort of talks has been underway between the two countries; we hope that the product of all changes in Egypt would help realize the revolutionary demands of Egyptian public,” he held.

On possible Iran-US cooperation in Iraq in the context of fighting ISIL, Amir-Abdollahian denied that Iran cooperated with the US-led coalition against ISIL. He denounced the US campaign against ISIL as serving contradictory objectives, to which Iran would not join; however, he emphasized that Iran would embark on action should Iraqi and Syrian governments requested help.