Oct 15, 2017, 11:28 AM


Trump tarnishes America's reputation abroad: Boroujerdi

Trump tarnishes America's reputation abroad: Boroujerdi

TEHRAN, Oct. 15 (MNA) – Senior MP said Sun. that if the US continues its threats by pressuring companies and banks, Iran will have no incentive to comply with JCPOA terms. Trump’s actions could hurt US image in the international scene.

During an interview with Al-Alam on Trump’s recent anti-Iran speech, Head of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said “the whole world knows that JCPOA is an official contract signed between the permanent members of Security Council, backed by Security Council Resolution.

"Today, JCPOA is the most solid document in the political-international structure of the world; it’s only natural that a collectively signed document cannot be revoked by a sole country. This is why the foreign policy chief of European Union and other members of the Security Council objected to Trump ahead of Iran and defended JCPOA. It is better to say that they are defending their own integrity. Their signatures are marked on the document which is why we are faced with an international protest. The imprudent actions of Trump will tarnish the international reputation of the United States.”

He went on to say that at a certain time, the US had managed to unite all the countries against the nuclear program of Iran, but today it is the other way around. If the congress decides to backtrack, Iran will follow the views of the Leader.

Boroujerdi stressed that “Trump must bear in mind that if Iran resumes its previous nuclear activities, it will do so with even more capabilities. Iran has experimented with centrifuges which are 20 times as powerful as the current centrifuges at enriching uranium.”

Concerning the revision of nuclear deal, which was raised by the US president, the senior MP said that neither the parliament nor the government agree with it. He further specified that it doesn’t make sense to revise an agreement which is achieved through years of hard work and elongated negotiations.

When asked on Iran’s need for missile, he replied “we have consensus not to produce nuclear weapon, which is not only in line with our commitments to NPT, but it is banned by our Leader. We don’t possess nuclear nor chemical weapons, but the US is equipped with all of them, so how can we defend ourselves? Iran is a country which has defended itself against world powers for eight years. Missiles are a rightful way for Iran to defend itself.” 


News ID 128627


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