TEHRAN, Dec. 27 (MNA) – Yadollah Kaboli Khansari, a renowned Iranian calligrapher, was paid tribute to at Imam Ali Religious Arts Museum in Tehran on Wednesday on the occasion of his 68th birthday.
Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday Iranian calligrapher honored for 68th birthday
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