Several Iranian and Serbian scholars and officials attended the seminar which was held by Iran’s cultural attaché’s office in Belgrade.
At the ceremony, Chancellor of the university Nusret Nicevic spoke briefly on the process of the establishment of university in 2002 and on its faculties and activities.
He went on to say that the university currently has English and German departments and has future plans for Persian and Turkish language departments.
“We are familiar with authentic Persian culture and its illustrious civilization to some extent, but other people are generally not that familiar with it. By introducing Persian culture to the people, we can boost cultural ties between our two countries,” he said.
After that, Iranian professor dispatched to Serbia Hamid Nozarian explained about the history of the Persian language and literature, and pointed to some commonalities between the language and languages use in Balkan region.
At the end of the seminar, the audience had a chance to ask the scholars questions about Persian language, literary works and Persian literary history.