Ali Koohestanian added that next Monday inspectors from Iran will fly to Frankfurt to test the maglev trains for this project, which will be the largest railway project of its kind in the world.
The permanent representative for foreign investments in Tehran-Mashhad maglev train project added that after lengthy negotiations the two sides have reached an initial agreement and the German firm will soon travel to Iran to implement the scheme with the help of Iranian companies.
He pointed out that the Iranian delegation visiting Frankfurt plans to test the 550kph to 750kph speed of the magnetic levitation trains.
Magnetic levitation trains are a new form of transportation that could revolutionize transportation of the 21st century the way airplanes did in the 20th century.
A few countries are using powerful electromagnets to develop the high-speed trains.
Maglev is short for magnetic levitation, which means that these trains will float over a guideway using the basic principles of magnets to replace the old steel wheel and track trains.
The big difference between a maglev train and a conventional train is that maglev trains do not have an engine and instead of using fossil fuels a magnetic field propels the train.