TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) – The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Brussels in a statement strongly condemned the European Parliament resolution against Iran which was approved on November 28, 2024.

The founders and supporters of the resolution in the European Parliament lack any credibility and moral standing to assess and judge the status of women's rights in Iran.

“We strongly condemn the European Parliament’s resolution on Iran approved on November 28, 2024. This resolution is part of a series of desperate efforts by this European institution within the framework of its interventionist, biased, and hostile approach against the sovereignty and internal affairs of independent countries such as the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the statement added.

Over the past 14 months, the same members of the European Parliament have opposed any resolution against this apartheid and racist Israeli regime despite witnessing the repeated, systematic, and gross violations of the basic rights of women and children in Gaza by the Zionist regime.
