TEHRAN, Mar. 19 (MNA) – Omani Foreign Minister noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s engagement for de-escalation and bringing peace to the whole world is “very important” and a “prerequisit".

Sayyid Badr al-Busaidi said to reduce the likelihood of a conflict in the region everyone must be engaged.

“Iran is part of the region, and I think engaging with all the regional countries is a very important element, a prerequisite for de-escalation and for bringing a common goal of peace for the whole world,” he said in an interview with CNN television news channel broadcast on Monday, Press TV reported.

He underlined that both Israel and the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas have to be “part of the solution” to de-escalate tensions as well.

The Omani foreign minister also drew a connection between the Yemeni Armed Forces’ pro-Palestine operations against Israeli-affiliated commercial vessels in the Red Sea and unrelenting atrocities in Gaza.

“I believe there is a very strong connection. In fact, it’s the only connection between what’s going on in the Red Sea and what’s going on in Gaza. If we stop the war in Gaza, we will de-escalate tension everywhere.”

He added that by “recognizing the connection” between the developments in Palestine and Gaza and what is happening in the Red Sea, the freedom of navigation will be resumed in the key waterway.