Manjil-Rudbar Freeway which is part of the Qazvin-Rasht Freeway is inaugurated today with the presence of the Vice President of Iran for Executive Affairs, Mohsen Mansouri, and Minister of Roads and Urban Development, Mehrdad Bazrpash.
The Manjil-Rudbar Freeway as the remaining part of Qazvin-Rasht Freeway is about 11 km in total. Three kilometers of the route was operated years earlier and 8.2 kilometers is now inaugurated. After Shiraz-Isfahan Freeway as the longest freeway project and also the Tehran-Shomal Freeway as the most difficult freeway project in Iran, the Manjil-Roodbar Freeway is the third promised freeway project of the 13th Government for inaugurating freeways in Iran.
Operation of Manjil-Roodbar Freeway will remove the traffic bottleneck between Tehran and Gilan Province and there will be a reduction in travel time, fuel consumption and car depreciation along the route.
According to Iran Deputy Minister and CEO of the Construction and Development of Transportation Infrastructures Company, Kheirollah Khademi, due to the location in the mountainous area, this freeway project had many bridges, tunnels and walls, and as it also passed through residential areas, the implementation was very complex.
The technical construction of this project consisted of 6 large bridges with a total length of 1,576 meters, 314 concrete piles and four tunnels with a total length of 2,876 meters.
The Manjil-Rudbar Freeway which is constructed with 20,000 billion IRR credit completes the north-south freeway corridor in Iran.