TEHRAN, Feb. 05 (MNA) – The Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali-Akbar Ahmadian held a meeting with the Iraqi national security advisor in Baghdad on Monday.

Iraq’s National Security Advisor Qasim al-Araji said in the meeting with Ahmadian that the relations between Baghdad and Tehran are privileged and strategic and there are many similiarities between the two countries and two friendly nations.

The top Iraqi security official also said that Iraq has always sought to strengthen its relations with other countries in a way that common interests are protected based on the principle of mutual respect.

Al-Araji noted that meetings held by Iraqi and Iranian officials show the depth of ties and the development of common views in the face of threats and challenges, which he said requires adopting solutions that are direct and far away from unilateralism.

The Iraqi official added that participation in constructive negotiations resolves all emerging problems.

Ahmadian, for his part, said that Iran engages with Iraq based on respect for Iraq's sovereignty and all problems can be resolved through purposeful and constructive dialogue.

This is the first trip of Ahmadian to the Arab country since he was appointed secretary of Iran’s top security body in June 2023.

His visit comes three days after the US struck positions of resistance groups in Iraq and neighboring Syria in retaliation for the death of three American forces in a drone strike in Jordan on January 28.

Tehran, Baghdad, and Damascus condemned the US strikes as a violation of national sovereignty of Iraq and Syria.