TEHRAN, Jan. 15 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan'ani has strongly condemned unfounded remarks made by UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron about tensions in the Red Sea.

Kan'ani on Monday characterized Cameron’s remarks as a futile attempt to justify the recent aggressive actions by the United States and the United Kingdom in the Red Sea and to deviate global public opinion away from the Israeli regime’s genocidal acts in Gaza.

“Those who began the new millennium by starting bloody wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and, without learning a lesson from the past, are now complicit in the current crimes of the Zionist regime against the oppressed people of Palestine in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, are too disgraceful to be able to make allegations against Iran," he said.

The US and the UK carried out coordinated airstrikes against Yemen on Friday amid heightened tensions in the Red Sea, where the Yemeni armed forces have been attacking Israeli-linked vessels in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Cameron said on Sunday that Iran must “talk with its proxies” to ease tensions in the Red Sea.

Iran has asserted that Resistance groups in Yemen and elsewhere in the region act independently and make their own decisions.  

Kan'ani emphasized that the military aggression by the US and the UK against Yemen violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of an independent country and contravened the UN Charter and the principles of international law.

He suggested that such actions would only encourage the Israeli regime to commit more war crimes and expand the scope of tension in the region.

Kan'ani said that the Islamic Republic sees immediate action to halt Israeli atrocities in Gaza as the only way to prevent further tension and establish peace and stability in the West Asian region.