TEHRAN, Jan. 15 (MNA) – Israeli forces have killed scores of journalists in their ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip to prevent true coverage of their crimes across the besieged Palestinian territory, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate said.

The announcement was made in a statement by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate on Sunday, which marked the 100th day of the regime's military onslaught on Gaza.

"The number of journalists killed by Israeli forces so far has reached 112, including 14 females," it said, adding that the regime's forces "continue to target Palestinian journalists with the intent to kill."

The syndicate asserted that Israeli forces intentionally target press crews as part of the regime's efforts "to kill the truth of the genocide committed against the Palestinian people in general, particularly in the Gaza Strip."

Elsewhere in its statement, the syndicate warned about the ever-present threat of death for journalists in Gaza, saying they are operating in extremely complex and difficult conditions.

It noted that even family members of journalists are not spared as hundreds of them have been targeted and killed in Israeli airstrikes across the coastal territory.

The Journalists Syndicate warned that the Israeli regime is also trying to fabricate charges against journalists to justify their killing and challenge any future international judicial prosecution that may hold it accountable for these crimes.

Israel waged the war on the strip on October 7 after the Gaza-based Palestinian Resistance groups of Hamas and Islamic Jihad carried out the surprise Operation Al-Aqsa Storm into the occupied territories in response to the occupying regime’s intensified crimes against the Palestinian people.

The relentless Israeli military campaign has so far killed nearly 24,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children, while leaving over 60,000 others injured.