TEHRAN, Dec. 30 (MNA) – Iran’s top commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani designed the Resistance line from Sana'a, the Capital of Yemen, to occupied Palestine, an Iraqi analyst says.

In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Qassem Salman al-aboudi said that the success of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm launched by the Gaza-based Hamas resistance movement against Israel on October 7 was achieved thanks to the initiatives of Martyr Soleimani.

Political and regional observers are well aware of the important role of the Palestinian cause in the thinking of Martyr Soleimani, the Iraqi expert said.

Soleimani made many efforts to pass down the Palestinian intifada from the stone stage to rockets and military techniques, al-aboudi added.

The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, are now leveraging Soleimani's combat strategy, he underlined.

The strategy of the Axis of Islamic Resistance revolves around backing the oppressed in various Islamic nations, notably the Axis of Palestinian Resistance against the Zionist occupation, he further noted.

Soleimani had a distinctive and notable presence at a critical juncture and location that shaped the conflict lines with the Zionist regime. This is why the notorious Donald Trump ordered his assassination at the Baghdad airport. He was often referred to as the invisible man and the shadow man, al-aboudi underscored.

He went on to say that Soleimani aimed to bolster the Axis of Resistance from Sana'a to southern Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine.

Today, the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation, this historical victory created by the Al-Qassam, humiliated the Zionists, and they owe this to the Martyr Soleimani, the analyst pointed out.

He transferred missile technology to occupied Palestine and Palestinian fighters as the biggest challenge to the arrogance of the West in the entire Middle East and West Asia region and equipped the Palestinians in this field, hence today we are witnessing the successes of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Front in the Al-Aqsa Operation, he added.

Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the IRGC's Quds Force, and Majid Al-Mohandis were assassinated and martyred on Friday morning, January 3rd, 2020.

Regarding his status, The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that "Martyr Soleimani brought new life to the Resistance Front. His material, spiritual, and moral support protected, fortified, and revived this eternal, growing phenomenon of Resistance against the Zionist regime, the influence of the US, and other Arrogant states."

Soleimani, by leading Iran's efforts and helping countries in the region to a great extent, helped to eradicate ISIS in Iraq and Syria and prevented the spread of US-backed terrorism.

Reported by Mehr News Agency
