TEHRAN, Dec. 26 (MNA) – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Akbar Ahmadian says the Zionist regime and the United States are in a non-win situation.

 Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Akbar Ahmadian met and held talks with  Iraq’s former prime minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi in Tehran on Tuesday.     

Referring to the assassination of an IRGC senior military advisor in Syria, Ahmadian said in this meeting, "One opinion says that this assassination was done with the cooperation of the Zionist regime and the United States, but some believe that the Zionist regime has taken a step towards the expanding of war with this action."

"The Israeli regime continues the war it will be looser," he said, adding that if the United States leaves the region or does not leave and expands the war or does not, it is a loser in both cases.

If the resistance front achieves success in economic fields like in political and military fields, it will achieve the position of superior power in the equations, Ahmadian said.

In this meeting, other topics of interest and bilateral cooperation were also discussed, and Ahmadian expressed his hope that the Iraqi government would be able to act in all matters based on the interests of the Iraqi people.
