TEHRAN, Dec. 09 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kan'ani has strongly criticized the US veto for the United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza war.

"The US government once again proved that it is the main actor and agent in the killing of civilians and Palestinian citizens, especially women and children, and the destruction of vital infrastructure in Gaza," the senior Iranian diplomat stressed on Saturday.

He went on to say that since the beginning of the brutal invasion of the child-killing Zionist regime against Gaza, the American regime has repeatedly proven its alliance and cooperation with the apartheid regime of Israel in committing war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian nation.

The US authorities, who expressed their fake concern for the lives of children and civilians in Gaza, delivered their 200th shipment of weapons and military aid to the child-killing Israeli military last week, he pointed out.

He also criticized Washington's unrelenting military and political support for the Israeli regime's barbaric crimes against the defenseless Palestinian nation residing in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Undoubtedly, the American government is an accomplice in the brutal killing of nearly 18,000 civilians, of whom about 8,000 are oppressed children, and the US and the Zionist regime will be responsible for the consequences of any expansion of the scope of the war in the region, Kan'ani further stressed.

The United States has vetoed a United Nations Security Council demand for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Israel’s genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip despite mounting calls to stop the regime’s atrocities.

On Friday, 13 Security Council members voted in favor of a draft resolution, put forward by the United Arab Emirates, while Britain abstained and the US vetoed it, isolating itself while sleiding Israel's aggression.

The vote came after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres formally warned the 15-member council on Wednesday of a global threat from the two-month-long Israeli war against the defenseless people of Gaza.