TEHRAN, Nov. 14 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kan'ani condemned the Israeli shelling of the headquarters of the Qatar committee for Gaza reconstruction, saying such a crime lays bare the savage nature of the Zionist regime.

The senior Iranian diplomat denounced the Israeli attack on the headquarters of the Qatar Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, saying, “Such crimes clearly reveal the Zionists’ barbaric and anti-human nature.”

The public conscience has been shocked by the Zionist regime’s crimes and barbarism against Gaza and cannot stay silent on this cruelty anymore, he added.

Denouncing the Israeli regime’s recurrent and brazen violation of international law and its continued aggression against the people of Palestine, Kan'ani called on the international community to condemn the Zionist crimes and employ all international capacities to hold Tel Aviv accountable and prosecute the Zionist war criminals.

Qatar's Foreign Ministry on Monday strongly condemned the Israeli bombing of the headquarters of the Qatar Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza. The ministry also called for immediate action from the international community to halt Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip.

More than 11,200 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.

The Tel Aviv regime has also blocked access to water, food, and electricity in Gaza, plunging the territory into a humanitarian crisis.