TEHRAN, Nov. 04 (MNA) – The American representatives do not consider the killing of defenseless people, women and children of Gaza by Israel, which is a clear example of genocide and war crimes, to be a violation of human rights.

The American House of Representatives approved 14.3 billion dollars in aid to the Zionist regime early on Friday, November 3. The American representatives approved this aid while the Congress resolution prohibits them from approving aid to regimes that violate human rights. In other words, the American representatives do not consider the killing of defenseless people, women and children of Gaza by Israel, which is a clear example of genocide and war crimes, to be a violation of human rights.

Before the Gaza war, America was the largest military supporter of Israel by providing 3.8 billion dollars in defense aid per year, and today the White House is deploying its ships capable of carrying 70 aircraft in the Eastern Mediterranean and preparing thousands of American soldiers, managers and it is the main partner in the crimes of the Zionist regime. Gaza is bombarded by US-made warplanes, and part of the Iron Dome air defense interception system is produced in the US. Although Israel insists that it is capable of continuing the war alone, Biden's visit to occupied Palestine showed that the US is willing to treat the losing horse which is the main cause of the crimes of the collapsing government of Netanyahu. Washington hopes to save this regime by providing military support to Israel, but America, like other supporters of the occupying regime, bets on a losing horse and will bear heavy costs for the following reasons.

1. In the domestic dimension, according to the results of a BBC poll published on October 10, 52% of the American people are against sending weapons and equipment to Israel by the US government, while 57% of the participants want to send their country's aid to the Palestinians in Gaza. 56% also said that they do not support Biden's policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian war. These days, when people's dissatisfaction against Biden's support for the genocide of the people of Gaza has reached its peak, the majority of the American people, even the Jewish community, are against the government's policies, and this dissatisfaction, which can be seen in all parts of the world, has heavy political and prestige costs for The US government and Congress.

2. At the official level, this dissatisfaction has been extended to some American officials and policymakers, an example of which is the resignation of the former director of the Office of Political and Military Affairs in the US State Department on November 2. In explaining the reason for his resignation, Josh Paul said, "This is not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that I knew and worked for." In his memo to The Washington Post about his reasons for resigning, Bode wrote: "During my service, I was involved in many complex and challenging moral debates about what weapons to send and where. But what I had not seen until this month was the complex and morally challenging transfer of arms; Therefore, I resigned last week." He further points out the important note and writes: "History shows that the weapons provided by America have not led Israel to peace. Instead, in the West Bank, they have facilitated the growth of settlement infrastructure that now makes the idea of a Palestinian state increasingly unlikely. Due to the fact that in the densely populated Gaza Strip, the bombings have caused extensive injuries and casualties, I asked for clear explanations before resigning, but my insistence was met with silence, and they only said that we should move as soon as possible to meet Israel's demands. At the same time, the same Congress that has previously blocked arms sales to other regimes with questionable human rights records is now pressuring us to move forward to meet Israel's demands." Dissatisfaction of people like Josh Paul and some congressmen shows that America is facing heavy and serious challenges at the level of policymakers, which will be costly and difficult to manage.

3. After the Second World War, one of the reasons for the transformation of America into a superpower was its influential presence in the Middle East. This area will be reduced and the axis of Resistance has taken West Asia out of the hands of the Americans. Today, America is not a politician in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and even Afghanistan, and with the decline of the Zionist regime, the world is witnessing the increasing decline of the White House. Certainly, America's betting on a losing horse.

4. In the military dimension, by encouraging Israel to continue the crime, America has turned itself into one of the targets of the Resistance axis to confront the occupying regime, and naturally, the heavy blows suffered by the American soldiers in Syria and Iraq, if the war continues, land, sea, and air will also be drawn.

In general, treating loser horses has been unprecedented throughout the history of America, and by the way, America has failed in all cases. Supporting Saddam Hussein in the imposed war, providing all-round support to the terrorists opposing Iran, and creating and supporting terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, ISIL, etc. are examples of these actions.

Today, America, as the main cause of genocide in Gaza, if it is wise, it should stop supporting Israel and prevent the development of the war by establishing a ceasefire. Otherwise, as Seyyed Hasan Nasrallah, the leader of the Hezbollah, declared: "All possibilities will be possible on the front."