Publish Date: 3 November 2023 - 18:43

TEHRAN, Nov. 03 (MNA) – Iran has said the US aid to the Israeli regime and providing political cover for the regime’s war on Gaza show America is actively contributing to the genocide of the Palestinian nations at the hands of Tel Aviv.

“America has proven that it is still a determining part of the continuation of the all-out conflict, war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian nation and not part of the solution to the crisis,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani wrote in a post on the X, formerly known as Twitter, on Friday. 

He referred to the US House of Representatives ratifying a $14.3 billion aid to the regime, visits by American officials to occupied Palestine, and officials opposing a ceasefire there.

The spokesman said the US had spared no opportunity to help save the regime from defeat but to no avail.

The United States has used all of its credit to save the Zionist regime from defeat, but God has ordained victory for the Palestinian nation, he wrote.

The US House of Representatives on Thursday passed the 14-billion-dollar aid bill, which includes billions for the Israeli regime's military.

Various US officials have also supported the Israeli regime’s war on Gaza and rejected any ceasefire plan at the UN.

Washington last month vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution that would have called for humanitarian pauses in the conflict between the Zionist regime and Hamas to allow humanitarian aid access to the Gaza Strip.

Iran has slammed the US support for the Israeli regime and warned the US will suffer consequences if the situation spirals into a bigger conflict.

The brutal war that the Israeli regime has been waging against the besieged Gaza Strip since October 7 has so far claimed the lives of nearly 9,061 people, including 3,700 children and more than 2,300 women.

The regime launched the war after Gaza's Resistance groups conducted Operation al-Aqsa Storm, their biggest operation against the occupying entity in years.
