Publish Date: 17 October 2023 - 15:50

TEHRAN, Oct. 17 (MNA) – Harness the power of nature with Iranian dates; a variety of flavors in a sweet and nourishing fruit!

If you're seeking a unique experience with the benefits of the date palm, we've got a range of Iranian date products just for you. These products include fresh and dried dates with diverse flavors and tastes that accompany you on a journey through a world of distinct flavors.
Delight in the flavors of Sayer, Zahidi, Mazafati, Kabkab, Piarom, Rabbi, and many more. With a wide variety of date types, we are confident in satisfying every taste.

Experience the excellence of Iranian dates with us and relish the delight!"

Iranian dates

Iran is renowned for its diverse range of dates, offering a delightful array of flavors and textures. Among the popular types, Bam Mazafati dates are the product of Bam city.

Mazafati dates is one of the famous products of Iran. These dates are as known Kimia dates, Khajoor dates, and Rotab Mazafati bam. 

Mazafati dates stand out with their soft, moist flesh and delectable caramel taste. These dark brown to black dates, also known as Bam dates, are enjoyed fresh and are widely consumed both locally and internationally.

Mazafati Dates wholesale price

The price for Kimia dates is different from other types of dates. The price for mazafati dates varies according to its quality and specifications. Bam dates are one of the most expensive dates in Iran.

We are very responsible and specialist in supplying Kimia dates, and we always directly control all the work steps. We can advise you in buying Mazafati dates online and offer you the best price for Kimia dates.

Piarom dates

Piarom dates, often referred to as "Maryam dates," are another exquisite variety originating from Iran. With their elongated shape and dark brown color, Piarom dates boast a unique and rich flavor profile, resembling the taste of chocolate. They are a premium choice and highly sought after for their distinct sweetness and soft texture.

Zahedi dates 

Zahedi dates, on the other hand, offer a different experience. With their golden to amber color and drier texture, they have a mildly sweet and nutty flavor. Zahedi dates are commonly utilized in cooking, baking, and the production of date sugar.

Rabbi dates 

Rabbi dates feature a soft, semi-dry texture and a caramel-like taste. These medium-sized, oval-shaped dates are perfect as a snack or as an ingredient in desserts. Lastly, Rabbi dates, with their wrinkled appearance and sweet, chewy texture, provide a delightful treat. 

Buy Mazafati dates 

Discover the irresistible allure of Mazafati dates, the luscious dark jewels from Iran. With their soft, moist flesh and caramel-like sweetness, each bite is a moment of pure bliss. Indulge in their natural goodness, packed with nutrients and vitamins for a wholesome treat.

Whether enjoyed on their own or incorporated into your favorite recipes, Mazafati dates bring a touch of elegance to every dish. Experience the epitome of date perfection and let the enchanting flavors transport you to a world of pure delight.

Elevate your snacking experience with the irresistible charm of Mazafati dates.

Kimia dates are very sensitive due to their high humidity, and to buy them you must choose a reliable supplier.

The sayer dates

Savor the golden allure of Sayer dates from Iran. With their velvety texture, rich caramel flavor, and abundance of nutrients, they are a delight for your taste buds and a nourishing choice. Elevate your culinary experience with the exquisite sweetness of Sayer dates.

Sayer Dates Price

Estamaran dates are in high demand in Europe because they are exceptionally sweet and tasty despite being less expensive than Piarom dates and Mazafati dates, which are regarded as luxury dates.

The quantity of the crop, Iran's exchange rate, and the specification of the dates are only a few of the many variables that influence price in general.
Sayer dates also known as pitted dates are very cheap compared to other dates.

Date products supplier
Date liquid sugar is a good sugar alternative

Date liquid sugar is produced from date juice after extraction and purification, as well as pectin compounds, protein, fiber, and color, and its color varies from brown to light yellow. 

Golden date syrup with Brix 68-74% has 73% sugar content. The main sugars in its composition are fructose and glucose, which have almost equal proportions, and in terms of sugar composition, it is similar to beehive honey and high fructose corn syrup.

Considering the cost of production and raw materials, golden date syrup can have a good place in competition with its similar products such as beehive honey and corn syrup. Considering the advantages of sugar and date juice, these two can be used as sugar substitutes for sucrose in the preparation of various foods, especially bakery products.

For more information about golden date syrup wholesale price please, click here.

Date sugar
Nowadays, due to the harm that sugar has to the health of society, such as diabetes, doctors recommend the use of natural sweeteners for industrial and home usage, such as honey, coconut sugar, and dates sugar.

Date Powder is made from dry dates with low moisture After a process, dried dates are converted into date powder, and during this process, dates do not lose their properties.

Date Sugar (Date Powder) wholesaler

We are one of the biggest date sugar (date powder) wholesaler in Iran, Also We specialize in private label and bulk packaging that our valued clients looking for.

Date paste

Another product made from dates is date paste. This product is also very delicious and popular like other date products such as date syrup, date sugar, and chopped dates.

Date paste is a processed product made from dates without any artificial additives, preservatives, and unnatural ingredients.  This is a useful food all over the world and is a very good organic and natural food supplement, which is rich in a variety of vitamins and fiber.

Benefits of Iranian Date paste

Rich in fiber that lowers negative blood cholesterol. It is a plant source of iron that can help prevent anemia. For this reason, it can be a very useful dietary supplement for pregnant women.

Iranian dates company 

We are proud to say that we are wholesaler, suppliers, and exporters of all kinds of Iranian dried fruit and nuts all over the world and we have a brilliant history in this field.

We will always be able to supply our valued clients and always provide the best services to have a sustainable business with them.

Through this exciting mission, as an export company, we provide trust and assurance to our customers that by choosing us, they have a reliable partner in the global market. We believe that exports present numerous opportunities for growth and development, and we make every effort to leverage these opportunities and create value for all stakeholders.    


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