According to the reports, the drone targeted the car in Sharbazher district in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan region.
Shafaq News citing a security source reported that the attack took place in the vicinity of Rangiya village and that the car caught fire.
The source further added that the number of casualties caused by the attack is not known and it is not clear which group or country the drone belongs to.
According to the report, relief and security forces in northern Iraq were dispatched to the place immediately.
However, some sources attributed the attack to Turkey and said that a Turkish drone attacked the vehicle in northern Iraq.
Al-Rabiaa TV, quoting its reporter, reported that all the occupants of the car were killed in the attack and the car was completely burnt. However, the authorities of Iraqi Kurdistan have not yet issued a statement in this regard.
Under the pretext of fighting PKK terrorists, Turkey has deployed its troops in areas of northern Iraq and Syria and is conducting aerial attacks on parts of the northern areas of these countries.
Ankara has received widespread criticism from both Iraqi and Kurdish authorities in Baghdad and Erbil as well as the international community for violating Iraqi sovereignty under the pretext of fighting the PKK.
Baghdad has called Turkey's attacks an example of aggression against Iraqi territory and demanded the withdrawal of its troops from northern Iraq.