TEHRAN, Jun. 27 (MNA) – The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei urged the Iranian Judiciary officials to combat corruption and prevent it to spread into different areas.

Ayatollah Khamenei received a group of Iranian Judiciary officials on Tuesday on the occasion of the anniversary of the 7th of Tir (June 28th) terrorist attack, as well as Judiciary Week in Iran.

Considering the Judiciary as one of the main pillars of the Islamic Establishment, the Leader called for increasing its popularity among the Iranian nation more than before.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei also stressed the need for securing legitimate freedom in society.

Iran's Judiciary chief Mohseni-Ejei, who was present at the meeting, for his part, presented a report regarding the activities of the Judiciary.

On 28 June 1981 – the 7th of Tir 1360 in the Persian Solar calendar – a powerful bomb blasted at the headquarters of the Iran Islamic Republic Party (IRP) in Tehran, while the members were in a meeting.

Judiciary Week in Iran is named after Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini Beheshti who along with 72 colleagues was martyred in the terrorist bomb blast. Ayatollah Beheshti served as the head of the Judiciary in the early years after the victory of the Islamic revolution.