Publish Date: 15 September 2006 - 17:56

TEHRAN, Sept. 15 (MNA) -- A photo and painting exhibition featuring works by Iranian artists is currently underway in Baku, Azerbaijan, the Persian service of IRNA reported on Thursday.


Some 60 paintings by artists Alireza Rahimi, Jila Davudi, Hossein Madani, and Ra’na Rahimi and several photos by Qadri Tagarian are being displayed during the one-week exhibition, which opened on Thursday.


At the opening ceremony, the charge d’affaires of the Iranian Embassy in Baku, Mohammad-Reza Rashed, stated that Iran has been promoting art and culture since the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and this has led to the expansion of ties between Iran and its neighbor Azerbaijan.


He mentioned a previous exhibition held in Tabriz that featured artworks of Azeri painters and expressed hope that the current exhibit would be welcomed by Baku’s art lovers.


Azerbaijan Artists Union chairman Farhad Khalilov expressed satisfaction over the well-established collaboration of Azerbaijan and Iran in the field of art and culture.


He said that members of Iranian cultural circles have always participated actively in art festivals in Azerbaijan, adding, “The exhibition is important for the realization of Iranian artists’ abilities.”


The exhibit features Iranian artworks from the Zand era (mid 18th century) up to the present time in various artistic styles, painter Alireza Rahimi said at the opening ceremony.


The Iranian Embassy in Baku and the cultural attaché organized the event in order to strengthen cultural relations between the two countries and introduce the residents of the Caucasus region country to Iranian artistry, Rahimi added.