Associated Press, citing Indonesian officials, said that Lavrov had been taken to hospital after arriving on the island of Bali for a Group of 20 summit. AP said Lavrov, 72, had been treated for a heart condition.
"This, of course, is the height of fakery," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
Zakharova posted a video of Lavrov, sitting outdoors on a patio, dressed in shorts and a T-shirt and reading documents.
Asked about the report, Lavrov said Western journalists had been writing falsely for a decade that Putin, 70, was ill.
"This is a kind of game that is not new in politics," Lavrov said with an ironic smile. "Western journalists need to be more truthful - they need to write the truth."
Lavrov said Western media routinely took a partial view of events and ignored Russia's point of view.