TEHRAN, Jul. 19 (MNA) – Iranian FM said that there is no doubt about Iran’s determination to reach a lasting agreement, adding that the US must set aside its extravagant demands and instead take realistic steps toward reaching an agreement.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks in his phone conversation with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell on Monday night.

During the phone talk, the two sides discussed the latest status of JCPOA talks as well as some important regional and international issues. 

"There is no doubt about the Islamic Republic of Iran’s determination to reach a good, strong and lasting agreement," said the Iranian foreign minister about the JCPOA talks. 

Appreciating the unceasing efforts of Joseph Borrell and  Enrique Mora and referring to his recent talks with the Italian and French foreign ministers, he added that in order to reach a good agreement, Washington should abandon the ineffective approach of the past and the sanctions it has slapped against Tehran as part of the so-called “maximum pressure” campaign.

The United States must set aside its extravagant demands and instead take realistic steps toward reaching an agreement on the revival of the JCPOA, he noted. 

Borrell, for his part, appreciated the positive and serious will of the Iranian side in the negotiation process so far and underlined the need for collective proposals to break the impasse.

The EU foreign policy chief also lauded Iran’s initiatives to overcome the remaining obstacles and disputes to reach a final agreement, emphasizing that he and Mora would spare no efforts to facilitate and accelerate the process through communication and consultation with all parties involved.
