Publish Date: 10 January 2021 - 19:30

TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) – Spokesperson for the Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said the installation of “IR2M” centrifuges has started in line with a counteractive plan to lift sanctions approved by the lawmakers.

Abolfazl Amouei broke the news in an interview with Mehr news agency on Sun. and added, “In today’s session of the Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, the way of implementation of law entitled 'Strategic Counteractive Plan for Lifting Sanctions and Safeguarding Rights of Iranian People' was reviewed.”

In this meeting, deputies of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and the Iranian Foreign Ministry also attended.

Amouei reiterated, “Spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi submitted a comprehensive report on the implementation of various provisions of the strategic plan. According to him, enriching uranium with 20-percent purity has been implemented in accordance with Article 1 of the law, details of which have been informed to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).”

According to the scheduled program, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran is planning a reactor similar to Arak Heavy Water before modernization, he continued.

According to a report presented, IR2M centrifuges have been installed, he said, adding, “Deputy Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Legal and International Affairs Baharvand stipulated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has implemented the legality process of “Strategic Counteractive Plan for Lifting Sanctions” in all international relations clearly.”

Lawmakers as members of the Iranian Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission also expressed their thanks to the officials of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) and stressed the need to continue cooperation between government and Parliament, Amouei added.
