TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) – In reaction to the Iranian Parliament's plan to expel IAEA inspectors if sanctions are not lifted, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a statement, accusing Iran to nuclear brinksmanship.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Pompeo claimed, "Iran’s threat goes much further than violating the JCPOA. Iran has a legal treaty obligation to allow IAEA inspector access pursuant to Iran’s NPT-required safeguards agreement.  Violating those obligations would thus go beyond Iran’s past actions inconsistent with its JCPOA nuclear commitments."

"Every nation, not only the United States, will attach great importance to Iran’s compliance with these obligations. Nuclear brinksmanship will not strengthen Iran’s position, but instead lead to further isolation and pressure," he added.

He continued his baseless allegation, saying, "This threat follows on the heels of the Iranian regime announcing it has resumed 20% uranium enrichment at Fordow, the fortified, underground facility Iran originally constructed in secret, further breaching its nuclear pact. The world’s top sponsor of terrorism should not be allowed to enrich uranium at any level."

"The United States fully supports the IAEA’s continued professional and independent verification and monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s expulsion of international inspectors must be met by universal condemnation," Pompeo added.

A member of the Parliament Presiding Board Ahmad Amirabadi said that if the sanctions are not lifted, Iran will expel the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors on February 21.

"If the sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran are not lifted by February 21, especially in the fields of finance, banking and oil, we will definitely expel the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors from the country," said Ahmad Amirabadi in a televised program on Saturday.

"If the sanctions are not lifted by the mentioned date, the Islamic Republic of Iran will definitely stop the voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol; this is the law of Iranian Parliament and the government is obliged to implement it," he added.
